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About us

Our History

On May 14th, 2012, the Denver City Council passed a law called the “unauthorized camping ban” which makes it illegal to use “any form of protection from the elements other than your clothing.” The law targets Denver’s homeless, but fails to take into account that there are not enough shelter beds for everyone in need, and that many people cannot avail themselves of shelters. As a result, a law that nominally promotes safety and public health has led to homeless Denverites’ being displaced, exposed to the elements, and often dying.
In April of 2014, Denver Homeless Out Loud, along with organizations around Colorado, hit the streets with questionnaires to document homeless people’s experiences with police and survival on the streets. The findings of this outreach became the core rights of the Right to Rest Act we wrote as part of Western Regional Advocacy Project (WRAP) here in Colorado and in California and Oregon.

In December 2014, Representatives Joe Salazar and Jovan Melton took the lead in sponsoring the Right to Rest Act in the Colorado State Legislature. For four years in a row, they sponsored this bill at the Capitol. For four years in a row, the house was packed with supports speaking to the devastating effects of criminalization of homelessness, calling for basic human rights to be recognized. And for four years in a row, the act was voted down in committee, sometimes by a margin of only one vote.

In April 2017, community members decided to take it to the people. They headed to the Denver Elections Division to submit the Right to Survive initiative for the Denver ballot. Six months later, volunteers submitted almost 10,000 signatures to get the initiative on the ballot - far exceeding the requirement to qualify.

The Right to Survive initiative was the first ballot initiative in the nation to attempt to decriminalize homelessness. It was voted down on May 7th, 2019. The campaign was outspent 24 to 1; opponents Together Denver amassed $2.4 million in donations from developers and big business. However, despite the overwhelming campaign of misinformation by the opposition, 33,685 Denver voters chose compassion and reason over fear. The struggle to end Denver's camping ban and protect the basic right to survive in public is ongoing.

Ballot Language

The Denver Right to Survive Initiative

Shall the voters of the City and County of Denver adopt a measure that secures and enforces basic rights for all people within the jurisdiction of the City and County of Denver, including the right to rest and shelter oneself from the elements in a non-obstructive manner in outdoor public spaces; to eat, share accept or give free food in any public space where food is not prohibited; to occupy one’s own legally parked motor vehicle, or occupy a legally parked motor vehicle belonging to another, with the owner’s permission; and to have a right and expectation of privacy and safety of a person and property?

Download the Full Text

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Got a question? We’re here to help.
  • What will a yes vote on 300 accomplish?

    A “yes” vote on 300 will mitigate the 2012 Denver camping ban, which prevents people from sleeping, eating, or using any kind of shelter beyond their clothing. This ban forces Denverites experiencing homelessness to move from safer, well-lit areas to unsafe places, and has resulted in the destruction of life-sustaining property and shelters. Telling people to “move along” can be life-threatening when there is no safe place for them to move to. A “yes” vote on 300 will not solve the problem of homelessness in Denver. But it is the first step toward a real solution, instead of the status quo--which we all know is not working. 

  • Won’t repealing the camping ban make it harder to connect people with services?

    Efforts to connect homeless people with services through laws against being in public do not work. For those who need these services, such services are so severely limited that many people do not have the option to access them--and thus being told to “move along” out of public spaces into these services is often not possible. In fact, David Henninger of the Denver Day Works employment program says that the camping ban actually makes it harder for Denverites to get to work, as they are swept out to surrounding communities. Making it harder to work means people are less likely to be able to support themselves and find housing.

  • Isn’t it unsafe to have homeless people camping in public and not be able to move them?

    The Right to Survive Initiative will not stop homeless people from having to follow the law. Just like anyone else, they will not be able to litter. Nor would anyone be allowed to to obstruct sidewalks or roads, or to camp on private property. This initiative would protect people who merely want to exist as safely as possible--not those who threaten public safety. In fact, a study by the Guardian found that areas with city-sanctioned homeless camps were more likely to experience a decrease in crime.

  • If we can’t have camping bans, won’t homeless people take over the parks?

    Everyone, housed or unhoused, will be able to use public parks as long as they obey the laws and respect curfews. It is important to remember that there are currently laws making sleeping with cover, sitting in certain areas, or the like, illegal, and nonetheless thousands of homeless people currently are spending their days in public spaces like parks. This activity is not a choice, and thus will not change with the passing of Right to Survive. What will change with the passing of the Right to Survive is that homeless people will not be harassed by police, continually told to move along from one place to another, moved to more hidden, distant, less safe places, and left in the cold without needed protection from the elements.

  • Where will people go? What if they block sidewalks or camp out in front of homes?

    Initiative 300 asks that people experiencing homelessness be allowed to subsist in public spaces in a non-obstructive manner--meaning they cannot block sidewalks or entrances to homes or stores; they can't take over private property; and they can't break laws--whether by disobeying park curfews or by trespassing. The reality is that there is not enough shelter space or housing, and people have to live somewhere. People are already living unsheltered out of necessity, and Yes on 300 will mean they can do so with less fear and danger, but in compliance with the law. 

    Keep in mind that most people without homes, like any people, do not want be somewhere they're not wanted, or somewhere they will run into conflict. 

  • What about sanitation? Isn't it unhygienic to have people living outside?

    Thanks to a recent settlement with the City of Denver, the city will be providing public toilets, as well as lockers, for homeless residents. This settlement is a huge step toward confronting the reality of homelessness, and will help Denverites, both homeless and housed, keep our city safe and sanitary.

For more information about Yes on 300 and its effects, download our Legal Impact FAQ (PDF):
Legal Impact FAQ

"I support the Right to Survive because it will help get people off the streets. As a former law enforcement professional, with a focus on corrections, my experience has taught me that homeless people are in need of housing and services - not jail. By eliminating criminal punishment for simply being homeless, the Right to Survive will help law enforcement play a more productive role in ending homelessness. We can build trust, which helps us to successfully connect homeless people to services and treatment."
- Carrie Roberts, Former Officer and Sheriff's Deputy, Colorado Department of Corrections, Parker, CO

"Network Ministries has pursued the dignity and personhood of Denver’s most vulnerable women and men for nearly forty years. Denver’s Right to Survive initiative ensures the protection of our most vulnerable friends & neighbors amidst a tidal wave of urban growth for the upwardly mobile. Until PTSD and mental illness cease to exist, increased protections for this community is vital."
- Ryan Taylor, Executive Director of Network Coffee House (Homeless Resource Center) 

9to5 Colorado
ACLU of Colorado
American Friends Service Committee
Bayaud Enterprises
Beloved Community Mennonite Church
Black Lives Matter 5280
Center for Constitutional Rights
The Center on Colfax
Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
Colorado Jobs With Justice
Colorado Mental Wellness Network
Colorado People's Action
Colorado Village Collaborative
Communities United Against Mass Incarceration
Democratic Party of Denver
Denver Artists for Rent Control
Denver Boulder Real Estate
Denver Catholic Worker
Denver Compost Collective
Denver DSA
Denver Food Not Bombs
Denver Green Party
Denver Homeless Out Loud
Denver Justice Project
Denver Welcome Home
Drinking Liberally Denver
Dry Bones Denver
Empowerment Program
Harm Reduction Action Center
Interfaith Alliance of Colorado
Metro Denver Community Rights
National Coalition for the Homeless
National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty
Network Coffee House
Romero Theater Troupe
Student Homelessness and Hunger Advocacy, Research, and Education Network (SHHARE)
Urban Mercy Church
Veterans for Peace, Boulder Chapter
Veterans for Peace, Northern Colorado Chapter
Veterans for Peace, Pueblo Chapter
Western Regional Advocacy Project
West Side Books
Warm Cookies of the Revolution
Working Families Party
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